Artful Computing

This page is mainly focussed on supporting my personal scientific activities, particularly mentoring projects for local schools.  

CREST Project Resources

I have mentored CREST projects - both engineering and science based - for about a decade, in cooperation with some of my local schools and their enthusiastic teachers.

We always start with a written project brief, and some general background guidance on "How to Do Projects". At the end of each "project season" we debrief to see what went well ... or not so well, hoping that the next year we could avoid doing things that did not work and keep doing stuff that did work. 

This collection of material is a digest of our experience. There are project ideas and guidance on some of the background science. It also contains useful links to other Internet resources.

Institute for Research In Schools

This organisation supports original research in the school environment. This resource is aimed exclusively at teacher led student teams.

Science Podcasts A set of links to YouTube channels and university websites containing public outreach science videos.
